Saturday, June 4, 2011

Burned (Burned, #1)Burned by Ellen Hopkins

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I didn't like this one. It's the first I've read by this author, who has quite a following, but I've heard plenty about her controversial books. I guess this one wasn't really controversial, but I could see why some might think that.
Pattyn was a sad girl and even though the author tries to show the reasons why her life was so terrible, I never identified or felt like she was a fully realized character. The same can be said for Ethan and Aunt J. It felt cliched and a bit tacky in it's PSA lessons and as if she was bunching so many incongruous big life messages together for more shock and awe. Even if I'm in the minority with this one it was not for me.

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