My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was hesitant to continue with this series, but when it was offered on sale I couldn't pass it up. MacKayla, or Mac as she likes to be called, has encountered quite a bit of craziness after traveling to Ireland to find answers in her sister's murder. What she finds is a humongous war between the Unseelie and Seelie fae, with mankind sandwiched in the middle for good measure. It's up to Mac to try and fight for the good side, whichever that side is because we spend much of this book trying to figure that out.
I was happy to see Mac thinking a lot more clearly about her situation. Her bursts of inner monologue were welcome this time instead or being verbal diarrhea. Yet there were many times I didn't like the adjective overload and felt it suffered from too muchness. For instance, at one point Mac is meeting with V'lane and she describes his robe: "It made me think of butterfly wings against an iridescent sky, lit by a thousand suns." Ummm, really?
I also got a little tired of her mysteriouso relationship with Barrons. I'm not a fan of a**hole neanderthals which is what he tends to bring to mind. Yet Moning did bring it on with the ending which left me scratching my head and wanting to read more. Nothing too important happened in this one, mainly just setting up the players, but I'm game for the next I guess.
Copy Source: Ebook purchased
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