My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Synopsis from Goodreads:
Tessa doesn't believe in magic. Or Fate. But there's something weird about the dusty unicorn tapestry she discovers in a box of old books. She finds the creature woven within it compelling and frightening. After the tapestry comes into her possession, Tessa experiences dreams of the past and scenes from a brutal hunt that she herself participated in. When she accidentally pulls a thread from the tapestry, Tessa releases a terrible centuries old secret. She also meets William de Chaucy, an irresistible 16th-century nobleman. His fate is as inextricably tied to the tapestry as Tessa's own. Together, they must correct the wrongs of the past. But then the Fates step in, making a tangled mess of Tessa's life. Now everyone she loves will be destroyed unless Tessa does their bidding and defeats a cruel and crafty ancient enemy.
My two-cents:
What started out as an interesting premise quickly deteriorated into something much more juvenile and unsophisticated than I was expecting. The villain suffered from too-muchness, everything was amplified until she should have been twirling her mustache. Tessa and Will were a bit too much on the silly side as well. If I'd been transported across 500 years you can bet that dancing or trying new cuisine would not be the priorities on my to-do list.
I just wasn't convinced with the characters, and when the promise of the beginning led to such a letdown I can say I was sorely disappointed.
Copy source: Library
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